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Out in in a sentence

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Sentence count:251+61Posted:2018-04-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: put in writingput inputinoutingcut inroutineshut-inshut inMeaning: v. enter a harbor. 
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121) He put his opponent out in the fifth round.
122) He called out in a loud voice .
123) A car pulled right out in front of me.
124) The child yelled out in pain.
125) His son is out in America.
126) Few people were out in the pitiless midday sun.
127) The tourists left out in a buggy.
128) I heard her cry out in her sleep.
129) His eyes almost popped out in surprise.
130) They were sweating it out in the gym.
131) She was decked out in finest clothes.
132) House estate prices bottomed out in October.
133) His arrogance comes out in every speech he makes.
134) The young plants were bedded out in the border.
135) Elizabeth was left out in the dancing party.
136) The fire broke out in the basement.
137) She cried out in/with pain.
138) She is all perked out in her holiday clothes.
139) We had a day out in the country.
140) The pamphlet went out in 6000 copies.
141) Smoking is out in the workshop.
142) I'm not venturing out in this rain.
143) She always stood out in a crowd .
144) The doctor was out in his diagnosis.
145) All the construction work was carried out in 2001.
146) Heavy gunfire broke out in the capital last night.
147) His fingers splay out in a star shape.
148) Bicycles are hired out in the shop.
149) The fire fanned out in all directions.
150) The ship was dressed out in flags.
More similar words: put in writingput inputinoutingcut inroutineshut-inshut inmutingroutinglutingcut in onmutinyspoutingcut intoflutinggroutingshoutingscoutingput in forput intoscrutinyreroutingsproutingroutinelymutinousmutineercommutingrasputincomputing
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